The 2nd International HVDC Conference held in Shanghai, China between 25–26 Oct 2016 Worldwide Experts gathered to discuss the future developments of HVDC technologies. 第二届国际高压直流会议成功召开——专家学者齐聚沪上交流探讨直流输电发展前景 The Second International HVDC Conference was held successfully in Shanghai between 25th and 26th Oct 2016, which was organized by the Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering, the CIGRE China National
The winner of the College Research Paper of the Month award for July 2016 (伯明翰大学工程与物理学部2016年7月最佳论文奖)
The paper “Elimination of Commutation Failures of LCC HVDC System with Controllable Capacitors” co-authored by Ying Xue, Prof Xiao-Ping Zhang and Ms Conghuan Yang has been chosen as the winner of the College ( College of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham ) Research Paper of the Month award for July 2016
2017 IEEE PES PowerTech Conference (PowerTech 2017)
2017 IEEE PES PowerTech Conference (PowerTech 2017) 18-22 June, 2017, Manchester, UK Conference Website:
IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2016)
IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2016) 14-17 December 2016, Trivandrum, IN Conference Website:
2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2016)
2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2016) 28 November – 1 December, 2016, Melbourne, Australia Conference Website:
2016 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power & Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016)
2016 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power & Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016) 25-28 October 2016, Xi’an China Conference Website:
2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe 2016)
2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe 2016) 9-12 October, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia Conference Website:
2016 Global Chinese Power and Energy Engineers Conference and Energy Internet Equipment Technology Summit held in Beijing
On 11th Oct, “2016 Global Chinese Power and Energy Engineers Conference and Energy Internet Technology Summit” was held in Beijing. More than 300 Chinese experts and scholars from Europe and the United States, Asia-Pacific, Africa and other countries and regions attended the conference, including experts and scholars from the domestic electric and energy industry, high-end
The University of Birmingham is among the Top 15 Universities in the UK
Times Higher Education has just announced their latest ‘Table of Tables’ 2017 for UK university ranking. University of Birmingham is ranked at 14 amongst all the listed universities. The full list of THE ‘Table of Tables’ can be seen below:
Former University of Birmingham professor awarded 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
A University of Birmingham alumnus has today been awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – the third former Birmingham scientist represented in this year’s Nobel Laureate list. Professor Sir J. Fraser Stoddart received the award for work done in the 1990s, when he was Head of theSchool of Chemistry at the University of Birmingham.